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Duck Worx Supply Product Catalog

Flying Ducks
Foam bird bodies shaped for flying duck mounts. Lightweight and easy to work with.
Variant | Price |
Flying Ducks - Black Duck average 9"x12" DW-10 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Black Duck large 9 1/8" x 12 1/4" DW-30 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Blue Wlng Teal average 5 3/4"x 8" DW-14 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Bufflehead average 5 3/4" x 9" DW-26 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Canvasback average 8 1/2" x 11 1/2" DW-20 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Canvasback large 8 3/4" x 11 1/2" DW-24 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Cinnamon Teal average 5 3/4" x 8" DW-14 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Greenwing Teal average 5 1/2"x 7 1/2" DW-16 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Mallard average 9"x12" DW-10 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Mallard large 9 1/8"x 12 1/4" DW-30 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Pintail average 8 1/2"x 10 1/2" DW-12 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Redhead large 8 1/2" x 11 1/2" DW-20 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Ringneck Duck average 6 1/4" x 9 1/4" DW-22 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Rudy Duck average 5 3/4"x 9" DW-26 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Scaup lessor average 7 1/2” x 11 DW-43 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Scoter Black average 8 1/2"x 11 1/2" DW-20 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Scoter Surf average 8 1/2" x 11 1/2" DW-20 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Shoveler average 6 1/4" x 9 1/4" DW-22 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Wigeon average 7 1/2"x 10 1/2" DW-18 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Wood Duck average 6 1/4" x 9 1/4" DW-22 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Gadwall flying 8"x11" DW-28 | $11.95 |
Flying Ducks - Common Eider flying 9 3/4" x 15 1/2" DW-34 | $11.95 |

Standing Ducks
Durable forms for standing duck mounts. Made for a clean and natural look.
Variant | Price |
Standing Ducks - Black Belly Tree Duck 7 1/4" x 8 3/4" DW-27 | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Black Duck average 9"x 12 1/2" DW-11 | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Bluewing Teal 5 3/4" x 8 1/2" DW-17 | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Cinnamon Teal 5 3/4" x 8 1/2" average DW-17 | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Fulvous Tree Duck 7 1/4"x 8 3/4" DW-27 | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Gadwall average 8"x 11" DW-19 | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Harlequin average 6 1/2" x 10 1/2" DW-24 | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Mallard average 9" x 12 1/2" DW-11 | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Mandarin average 6 1/2"x 9 1/2" DW-15 | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Hooded Merganser average 6 1/2" x 9 1/2" DW-15 | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Pintail average 8 1/2"x 10 1/4" DW-13 | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Wigeon average 8"x 11" DW-19 | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Wood Duck small 6 1/4" x 9" DW-21 | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Wood Duck average 6 1/2" x 9 1/2" DW-15 | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Standing Redhead DW-29 8 1/2"x 11 1/2" | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Surf Scoter DW-29 8 1/2"x 11 1/2" | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Black Scoter DW-29 8 1/2"x 11 1/2" | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Greenwing Teal Standing DW-9 5 1/2"x 7 1/2" | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Canvasback Standing DW-31 8"x 12 1/2" | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Common Eider Standing DW-33 9 3/4"x 15 1/2" | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Ringneck Standing DW-22 6 1/4" x 9 1/4" | $11.95 |
Standing Ducks - Bufflehead Standing DW-35 5 3/4" x 9" | $11.95 |

Flying Geese
Foam bodies designed for flying goose mounts. Built for stability and accuracy.
Variant | Price |
Flying Geese - Snow Goose 10 1/2 x 15" | $17.95 |
Flying Geese - Blue Goose 10 1/2 x 15" | $17.95 |
Flying Geese - White Fronted Goose 10 1/2"x15" | $17.95 |
Flying Geese - Lesser Canada 11"x16" | $17.95 |
Flying Geese - Ross Goose 9"x12" | $17.95 |
Flying Geese - Brant 9"x12" | $17.95 |
Flying Geese - Cackler 9"x12" | $17.95 |
Flying Geese - Greater Canada 14"x19" | $24.95 |

Reliable bird bodies for pheasant mounts. Simple to use and well-shaped for taxidermy.
Variant | Price |
Pheasant - 7 3/4" x 12" fly or stand | $11.95 |

Puddle Ducks
Durable, lightweight heads for puddle duck mounts. Designed for accuracy and ease of use.
Variant | Price |
Puddle Ducks - Mallard | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Mallard open | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Mallard hen | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Pintail | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Pintail open | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Pintail hen | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Woodduck | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Woodduck open | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Woodduck hen | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Wigeon | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Wigeon open | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Wigeon hen | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Gadwall | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Gadwall hen | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Greenwing Teal | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Greenwing Teal hen | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Bluewing Teal | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Bluewing Teal open | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Bluewing Teal hen | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Cinnamon Teal | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Cinnamon Teal open | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Cinnamon Teal hen | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Black Belly Tree duck | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Fulvous Tree duck | $8.95 |
Puddle Ducks - Shoveler | $8.95 |

Diver Ducks
Precision-crafted heads for diver duck taxidermy. Ideal for realistic mounts.
Variant | Price |
Diver Ducks - Canvasback | $8.95 |
Diver Ducks - Canvasback hen | $8.95 |
Diver Ducks - Redhead | $8.95 |
Diver Ducks - Redhead hen | $8.95 |
Diver Ducks - Bufflehead | $8.95 |
Diver Ducks - Bufflehead hen | $8.95 |
Diver Ducks - Ringneck | $8.95 |
Diver Ducks - Ruddy | $8.95 |
Diver Ducks - Scaup lesser | $8.95 |
Diver Ducks - Goldeneye common | $8.95 |
Diver Ducks - Hooded Merganser | $8.95 |
Diver Ducks - Hooded Merganser Hen | $8.95 |
Diver Ducks - Hooded Merganser open | $8.95 |

Geese Cranes Swans
High-quality heads for larger birds, including geese, cranes, and swans. Made for durability.
Variant | Price |
Geese Cranes Swans - Canada large | $14.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Canada lessor | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Cackler | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Cackler open | $13.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Snow | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Snow open | $14.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Speck | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Speck open | $14.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Ross | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Ross warty | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Ross open | $13.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Brant | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Sandhill Crane | $22.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Swan Tundra | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Canada large | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Canada lessor | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Cackler | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Cackler open | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Snow | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Snow open | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Speck | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Speck open | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - RossRoss | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Ross warty | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Ross open | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Brant | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Sandhill Crane | $12.95 |
Geese Cranes Swans - Swan Tundra | $12.95 |

Sea Ducks
Strong, lightweight heads for sea duck taxidermy. Built for lifelike results.
Variant | Price |
Sea Ducks - Harlequin | $8.95 |
Sea Ducks - Harlequin hen | $8.95 |
Sea Ducks - Eider common | $8.95 |
Sea Ducks - Eider common hen | $8.95 |
Sea Ducks - King Eider | $8.95 |
Sea Ducks - King Eider larg lobe | $8.95 |
Sea Ducks - Kine Eider hen | $8.95 |
Sea Ducks - Scoter surf | $8.95 |
Sea Ducks - Scoter black | $8.95 |
Sea Ducks - Scoter white wing | $8.95 |
Sea Ducks - Goldeneye Barrows | $8.95 |
Sea Ducks - Oldsquaw | $8.95 |
Sea Ducks - Goldeneye Barrows open | $8.95 |

Well-shaped pheasant heads for taxidermy. Designed for a clean and natural finish.
Variant | Price |
Pheasant - Closed | $8.95 |
Pheasant - Open | $8.95 |

Flexible foam necks that come in both standing and flyng options.
Variant | Price |
Necks - Mallard flying | $12.95 |
Necks - Mallard standing | $12.95 |
Necks - Pintail flying | $12.95 |
Necks - Pintail standing | $12.95 |
Necks - Wood Duck flying | $12.95 |
Necks - Wood Duck standing | $12.95 |
Necks - Canvasback flying | $12.95 |
Necks - Canvasback standing | $12.95 |
Necks - Cinnamon Teal flying | $12.95 |
Necks - Cinnamon Teal standing | $12.95 |
Necks - Bluewing Teal flying | $12.95 |
Necks - Bluewing Teal standing | $12.95 |
Necks - Greenwing Teal flying | $12.95 |
Necks - Greenwing Teal standing | $12.95 |
Necks - Wigeon flying | $12.95 |
Necks - Wigeon standing | $12.95 |
Necks - Gadwall flying | $12.95 |
Necks - Gadwall standing | $12.95 |
Necks - Redhead flying | $12.95 |
Necks - Redhead standing | $12.95 |
Necks - Bufflehead flying | $12.95 |
Necks - Bufflehead standing | $12.95 |
Necks - Pheasant standing | $12.95 |
Necks - Pheasant standing | $12.95 |

Neck Material
Foam neck material. The standard for making bird necks. Also, great to use in carding wings on flying mounts.
Variant | Price |
Neck Material - 1/4" full roll 100LF | $20.95 |
Neck Material - 3/8" full roll 100LF | $20.95 |
Neck Material - 1/2" full roll 100LF | $20.95 |
Neck Material - 5/8" full roll 50LF | $20.95 |
Neck Material - 3/4" full roll 50LF | $20.95 |
Neck Material - 1" full roll 50LF | $20.95 |

Eyes & Eyelids
Precision-crafted eyes and eyelids designed to enhance realism in taxidermy mounts. Available in various colors and sizes to match different species.
Variant | Price |
Eyes & Eyelids - 6mm Dark Brown (Quail) 7mm Dark Brown (Quail/ G.W.Teal) | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - 8mm Dark Brown (Teal / Bufflehead / Ruddy) | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - 9mm Dark Brown (Wigeon / Pintail / Gadwall) | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - 10mm Dark Brown (Mallard / Snow Goose / Speck) | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - 11mm Dark Brown ( Canada Goose Med/Lg) | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - 12mm Dark Brown (Swan / Lg. Canada Goose) | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - 8mm Red (Cinnamon Teal) | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - 9mm Red (Canvasback) | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - 10mm Red (Wood Duck) | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - 8mm Yellow (L. Scaup / Ringneck) | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - 9mm Yellow - Small Pupil - (Hooded Merg. / Com. Go | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - 9mm Yellow - Medium Pupil - (Shoveler) | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - 9mm Yellow/Orange (Red Head) | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - 9mm Light Yellow (Barrows) | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - 9mm Red/Orange (Red Breasted Merg) | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - 9mm Hazel (Old Squaw) | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - 9mm White (Scoter) | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - 10mm (Ring Neck Pheasant) | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - Woodduck Drake Eyerings | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - Woodduck Hen Eyerings (yellow) | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - Pheasant Eyerings | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - Speckelbelly Eyerings | $4.50 |
Eyes & Eyelids - Sandhill Crane | $4.50 |

Standing/Flying Feet
Made from rigid plastic that can be heated and shaped to fit an existing base. Pre colored to match the species. All wires installed on both standing and flying feet.
Variant | Price |
Standing/Flying Feet - Mallard Flying | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Mallard Flying open | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Mallard standing | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Pintail flying | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Pintail standing | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Wigeon flying | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Woodduck standing | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Cinnamon Teal flying | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Cinnamon Teal open | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Cinnamon Teal standing | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Bluewing Teal flying | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Blue Wing Teal open | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Bluewing Teal standing | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Greenwing Teal flying | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Greenwing Teal standing | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Canvasback flying | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Canvasback standing | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Redhead flying | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Redhead standing | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Shoveler flying | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Shoveler standing | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Snow Goose flying | $24.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Ross Goose flying | $19.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Specklebelly flying | $24.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Lessor Canada flying | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Lessor Canada standing | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Harlequin standing | $17.95 |
Standing/Flying Feet - Greater Canada flying | $27.95 |

Single Limb
Comes with level-rite hanger installed .Wood insert for feet anchor.
Variant | Price |
Single Limb - Brown | $29.95 |
Single Limb - Grey | $29.95 |

Double Limb
Comes with level-rite hanger
Variant | Price |
Double Limb - Brown | $39.95 |
Double Limb - Grey | $39.95 |

Turkey Limb
18" x 31" x 26 1/2" (limb length). Solid wood backing with wood embedded in limb for secure attachment. Comes with level rite hanger and a single screw for attachement. Pre painted ready to hang out of the box.
Variant | Price |
18" x 31" x 26 1/2" | $149.95 |

The Nub
Color: Brown Comes with level-rite hanger installed . Wood insert for feet anchor.
Variant | Price |
Brown Comes with level-rite hanger installed | $19.95 |

Driftwood Wall
Single bird wall mount. Comes with level-rite hanger.
Variant | Price |
Driftwood Wall - Brown | $14.95 |
Driftwood Wall - Grey | $14.95 |

Great for table top standing duck mounts.
Variant | Price |
Stumps - Brown | $14.95 |
Stumps - Grey | $14.95 |

Lightweight and durable driftwood base, adding a natural touch to any mount.
Variant | Price |
Driftwood - Brown | $14.95 |
Driftwood - Grey | $14.95 |

Shadow Box
18"x 29" x 4" Shadow Box. Made from high density foam and custom painted. Has wood backing and comes with a level rite hanger
Variant | Price |
Shadow Box - Small | $59.95 |
Shadow Box - Large | $89.95 |

Level-rite Hangers. Perfect for small to medium sized wall mounts. Work great for both our single and double limbs.
Variant | Price |
Level-rite Hangers | $0.90 |

Galvanized wire
Galvanized wire is a stiffer wire used for flying necks and standing birds.
Variant | Price |
Galvanized wire - 8ga | $6.95 |
Galvanized wire - 10ga | $6.95 |
Galvanized wire - 12ga | $6.95 |
Galvanized wire - 14ga | $6.95 |
Galvanized wire - 16ga | $6.95 |

Annealed Wire
Annealed wire is a softer wire that works great for necks and wings. It has less "memory" than galvanized wire so it stays where its put with less spring back.
Variant | Price |
Annealed Wire - 14ga | $6.95 |
Annealed Wire - 16ga | $6.95 |

Texas Hang Em's
Eliminate the use of unwanted driftwood to attach and hang flying bird mounts. Fits all waterfowl up to Snow Geese, Specklebelly, and Lessor Canada.
Variant | Price |
Texas Hang Em's | $6.95 |

Ledge Rock 1
Prepainted and ready to hang with level rite hangers installed.
Variant | Price |
Ledge Rock 1 | $64.95 |

Ledge Rock 2
Pre painted and ready to hang with level rite hangers installed
Variant | Price |
Ledge Rock 2 | $64.95 |

Ledge Rock 3
Pre painted and ready to hang with level rite hangers installed
Variant | Price |
Ledge Rock 3 | $74.95 |

Ledge Rock 4
Pre painted and ready to hang with level rite hangers installed
Variant | Price |
Ledge Rock 4 | $19.95 |

Ledge Rock 5
Pre painted and ready to hang with level rite hangers installed
Variant | Price |
Ledge Rock 5 | $19.95 |

Double ledge 1
Double duck mount rock. Pre painted and ready to hang on the wall with level rite hangers installed
Variant | Price |
Double ledge 1 | $69.95 |

Double Ledge 2
Great for double stacked standing mounts. Wood backing. Comes with level rite hangers installed
Variant | Price |
Double Ledge 2 | $89.95 |

Table Rock 1
Great for single standing duck or as fill in for larger scenes
Variant | Price |
Table Rock 1 | $14.95 |

Table Rock 2
Great for single duck mount for fill in for larger scenes
Variant | Price |
Table Rock 2 | $14.95 |

Rock Panel
4'x9' rock panel. Comes in a gray primer to accept paint.
Variant | Price |
4'x9' rock panel | $295 |

Small Panel Rock
Great size for breaking up to make ones own custom rock base
Variant | Price |
Small Panel Rock | $39.95 |

Pinnacle Rock
Pre painted and ready to hang with level rite hangers installed
Variant | Price |
Pinnacle Rock | $79.95 |

Turkey Rock
22 1/2" x 18 1/2" x 4 1/2" tall. Comes with wood insert for solid leg attachement. Pre painted. Perfect for Turkeys and waterfowl.
Variant | Price |
Turkey Rock - Sea Duck Black | $59.95 |
Turkey Rock - Brown | $59.95 |